It is really possible to find the most effective exercises for male potency that help to get rid of erectile dysfunction that has affected 150, 000, 000 men in the world.
How workouts can help increase strength
Physical exercises to improve potency can correct sexual dysfunction, as it is realistic to do them not only indoors, but also outdoors.
The set of exercises to increase the level of male strength should be performed daily, gradually increasing the load on the muscles of the body. Exercises carefully selected by doctors to increase strength in men can effectively get rid of many problems:
- reduction of penile resistance at the beginning of sexual intercourse.
- lack of morning and evening erection.
- rapid decline in testosterone.
- dissatisfaction on the part of the opposite sex.
- rapid reduction in intercourse time.
- decrease in the quality of sexual intercourse.
- the hardening of the penis occurs after a long time.
- lack of spontaneous onset of erectile function at a young age.
- rapid decline in male libido;
All the above exercises for improving strength will be available and effective not only for the elderly, but also for young and physically healthy men.
The simplest but effective physical exercises for strength can improve reproductive function and increase sexual libido, avoiding negative consequences. If they are performed regularly, then not only the strength increases, but also the quality of sexual life, the duration of intercourse, the muscles of the peritoneum are strengthened and inguinal hernia is prevented.
It is worth noting that a carefully selected set of exercises to enhance potency in a man helps only in the absence of severe prostate adenoma, hormonal imbalance. All exercises to restore strength actively increase the rate of blood circulation and blood flow to the pelvic organs, strengthen the muscle frame and the speed of achieving a stable erection.
If you regularly perform exercises at home, you can achieve an increase in sexual desire, erection stability for a long time, unlike using the best drugs.
PC muscle training
Among the exercises to increase potency in a man at home, you can find those that are useful for restoring an erection in the shortest possible time. According to high-quality videos, they are performed regularly and aim to train the pubococcygeus muscle, which is involved in muscle contraction during orgasm.
The positive effects of intimate gymnastics are:
- increased activity of blood circulation in the pelvic area.
- achieving a stable and long-lasting erection.
- reaching the maximum marginal angle of inclination of the penis in an aroused state.
- increasing libido and quality of sex.
- the appearance of the most prolonged and lively orgasms.
- rapid restoration of hormonal levels.
- gradual improvement of semen quality.
- promotes increased testosterone production.
- the appearance of the ability to control the onset of ejaculation.
- health of the pelvic organs and the genitourinary system.
Physical exercises to increase power, performed by pumping the computer muscle, are simple, but first you need to find that muscle. To do this, during urination, put your fingers on the skin between the testicles and the anus and listen to your own feelings, as this muscle will be constantly stretched while the man urinates.
The simplest exercises to increase strength can be done at home, at work or even on public transport. They require no professional training and are performed three times a day.
The easiest way is to increase the pressure of the jet while urinating and then hold it two or three times at a time. Any young man can easily hold the jet inside him for about twenty seconds. If the delay is performed with great difficulty, then the problem lies in the weakened tone of the muscles of the perineum.
Sometimes there should be pain at the beginning of holding the jet, but this will be normal, unless there are sensations that increase the pain after a few weeks of training.
If there are acute pains in the groin and testicles, then you should contact a professional urologist for advice and diagnosis. When the problem is solved, the patient can continue to strengthen the sphincter by doing exercises to improve the strength of the male Kegel.
Intimate gymnastics is simple, but there are videos on the Internet with expert explanations and the technique for performing the elements. The application of the complex to enhance sexual function should begin with the adoption of the most comfortable position on the floor.
All exercises to increase strength are simple:
- stretch the pubic-coccyx muscle to the limit.
- gradually relax the muscular system.
- it is important to relax only the muscles of the computer, without affecting the rest of the body, and to achieve the maximum increase in the force of contractions.
- start performing from twelve times, gradually increasing the load to thirty pieces at a time.
- in one session, you will need to do about three approaches.
- for three seconds we hold the tension force of the perineal muscle, gradually relaxing the muscles in the same period of time and increasing the time to complete the exercise by one second.
- stretch and relax the muscles of the perineum as quickly as possible, achieving thirty movements during the day.
- The climax of the Kegel erection exercises will be placing a small towel on the penis and prompting it to bounce and lift the organ ten times a day.
- After a while, you can add a lift to the penis in an erection of a towel soaked in water and already increase the number to thirty repetitions a day.
The main thing in strengthening the PC muscle will be proper breathing, controlling the force of the tension of the instrument. It is worth adjusting the following workouts so that they are carried out in the morning and in the evening, when an involuntary erection occurs.
You should not stop doing Kegel exercises after full or partial restoration of strength, performing them several times a day for prevention.
Complex of general enhancement for erection
An exercise to increase strength, performed once a week, will not achieve anything. Experts in medical articles strongly advise you to combine several different exercises aimed at increasing strength in one complex.
General strengthening exercises to increase strength can be performed by both adult men and young boys for prevention. You don't need to go to gyms since fitness is available to do at home.

A set of exercises to improve erection helps saturate the pelvic organs with blood, correcting men's health in the process.
The performance of general strengthening gymnastics for the strength of a man should be carried out according to the following scheme:
- Take the starting position, placing your hands on the waist and your feet shoulder-width apart.
- make at least 10 circular movements of the pelvis in different directions.
- After taking the starting position, step into his position, achieving the highest possible lift of the knees.
- Bend your knees and lunge in different directions, achieving the accumulation of the penis and scrotum up to six times.
- get rid of clothes completely and take a standing position in front of a growth mirror, then, while inhaling, raise the abdominal muscles and buttocks up to six times, at the same time sharply raise the scrotum upwards.
- Lying on a hard surface on your back and resting your limbs on it, you should raise the pelvic area higher, outlining a straight line with the hips and the rest of the body, and then raise it up and down fifteen times.
- take a prone position, bend your legs and pedal an imaginary bicycle at least twenty times.
For more professional men, according to the video, you should slightly increase the level of difficulty by adding circular rotations of one leg at right angles, leaning forward and backward, which should be increased from ten to sixty times a week.
Exercises to increase strength according to the author's method
A well-known doctor who uses alternative medicine methods to treat impotence and prostatitis offers his own erection exercises.
Exercise that enhances strength and increases the angle of erection includes:
- comfortable position on the floor, lying on the back.
- conducting fifty contractions of the anus.
- stand in the knee-elbow position and contract the muscles of the anus again for one minute.
- Identify the specific muscle group responsible for stopping urination, then induce forty contractions within five days.
- Sit in a chair and roll an imaginary hot egg over the groin and bladder, anus and coccyx region, for fifteen seconds, gradually increasing and decreasing the temperature.
- fifteen to twenty times painfully press the testicles into the scrotum, making a high-quality massage of the prostate gland of the external type.
The complex aims to learn to control your state mentally. By performing power-boosting procedures, you can:
- they show erotic images, genital massage.
- Stroke the penis from all sides without any thought.
- stroke to other parts of the body, mentally directing the blood to the penis and do not touch it with your hands.
- raise the penis to a rigid state, just by thinking about it, but without touching your body.
Precautionary measures to increase power
If the strength weakens, then it can be increased by exercises in a few months of hard muscle training. To the main complex should be added squats, shoulder boat, scissors, high jumps, birch, frog, closed ring, butterfly.
At the same time, it is necessary to identify the causes of the decrease in the quality of erection and eliminate them with drugs and physical therapy procedures.
It is necessary to follow a healthy lifestyle and prevention requires:
- run for half an hour every day.
- bathe and rub the groin area.
- press down and squat several dozen times a day.
- do martial arts or yoga in the fresh air.
- roll more often from socks to heels, straining the perineum muscles.
You should definitely change your diet by including fish and lean meat, fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes, seafood and grains, dried fruits and berries in your diet. It is permissible to occasionally indulge in tonic coffee, tea, chocolate or a glass of alcohol before intercourse.
In order not to undermine your body, you should do all the exercises without fanaticism, it is better to do part, but with pleasure. When performing the complex, you should consult not only a urologist, but also a cardiologist to check the load on the heart. If there is a history of chronic diseases, then it is better to consult your doctor about the possibility and intensity of training.
You should set high standards for yourself and gradually reach them, raising not only your own masculinity, but also self-confidence.
Start exercising and spend more time outdoors, as a full run or walk promotes erections. Physical activity during surgery in the peritoneal region, acute infectious diseases is strictly prohibited.
It is best to exercise in the morning and evening and on an empty stomach, since satiety reduces the desire for success and full exercise.
All actions must be done gradually and smoothly to avoid microtraumas, gradually increasing the momentum. You should not expect immediate results, as they will come only after a few weeks of intensive training.